This is the birth story of Evryt and his mother. For weeks I had been having random bouts of practice surges. Some nights they would be frequent and regular, but very light. On the evening of December 5th, I was feeling light surges. Light, but different than what I...
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Birth Stories
Birth of Daisy Love – VBA3C
Today marks 4 weeks since our beautiful 2nd rainbow girl made her entrance into the world via VBA3C. Today is also the first day of April which is cesarean awareness month, so when a friend reached out, asking me to share my success story I thought the timing was just...
Birth of River ~ Birthing Without
When I found out I was pregnant with River, I knew I had to do some serious quiet thinking. The scars from Juniper’s birth were still very much healing, in both the physical and emotional realms. She and I were a mere nine months in to this journey together, and I was...
Birth of Narayan
There are so many points throughout a pregnancy where fear can set in. In the first trimester you wonder if that tiny little group of cells will make it, or if it is even there. Second trimester brings the question of how healthy or ‘normal’ the baby is, as well as...
Birth of Kai Zissou Valley
Hi, Joe Valley here. I’ll tell you a bit about my son, Kai, and his birth on December 10, 2013. It was lunch on Tuesday at Jack Stack’s BBQ here in Kansas City where the birth became imminent. Well, really, it was before that, in February when were were in Brisbane...
Birth of Poppy Dae
It was the most amazing experience and all natural thanks to HypnoBirthing. Poppy was in perfect position 4 days before her birth, but she turned and was spine on spine which is why labour took so long. The HypnoBirthing mentality, breathing and visualizations were...
Calvin ~ He is perfection!
When I reflect back on my labor day it seems so unreal to me. How was it that I accomplished that? I am amazed at the beauty that now lies in my arms. His soft skin, sweet smell and gentle breath fill me with motherly love and pride. He is perfection made real. My...
A story of trust.
I always thought myself to be a type “A” individual…mean, I like to be in control. I like things to be just as I planned and most of all, I like things to be perfect. When I got pregnant, I was sure that I would schedule a C-section and plan out my birth down to the...
Louie ~ Born at Home
6th May, 2014 I just wanted to say thank you so much for all the help that HypnoBirthing gave me during my labour. I used the blue satin ribbons visualisation a lot during the beginning phase. I listened to the rainbow relaxation and birthing affirmations which helped...
Leon ~ Born into water
Queensland Australia - 25 Jan. 2014 As a male I would like to think that I have everything under control most of the time. At first I was a bit sceptical about the benefits of Hypnobirthing however having completed the course and having seen the outcomes during labour...
George ~ Born unexpectedly at home
Firstly I want to say if it wasn’t for Carrie at Joymammma, my birth story would have been very different, even traumatic.In the early hours of August 19, I woke to the sound of a pop. My waters had released. Being 2 weeks before my due date, I looked to my husband,...
Nash ~ Born at Nambour Hospital, 1 June 2014
Craig and I love our five-year-old daughter Rylee to pieces and we couldn’t visualise our life without her, she has enhanced and enriched our lives beyond belief, but my birthing experience with her was so traumatic and horrendous, I feared that she may end up an only...
The Powerful VBAC of Emilia Hilton
I Did It! My heart was full – my body had created and I had birthed my babe. Naturally. Drug free. Intervention free. I won’t receive any medals, and I don’t want them – I just want to honour my body for the goddess she is! A Healing HypnoBirthing VBAC Lauren and Matt...
I Did It!
I had two c-sections with my first two babies and then decided with baby number 3, I wanted to have a vaginal birth after two csections (vbac). The medical world says DON’T DO IT!!! Every doctor I talked to about having a VBAC said that the risks of a uterine rupture...
A Peaceful and Empowering Birth
On the morning of my 30th birthday, I woke up and I felt a little different. Rigel and I decided to go out for lunch and do a few errands on the way. While Rigel was in the store at our first stop, I noticed some very distinct tightening on my belly. I was 40 weeks...
Birth of Janek ~ Gracious Healing!
Two mornings ago Janek woke up at 4:04am. This was exactly the same time my water broke on July 24th, 2013. The serendipitous timing of his early morning hunger caused me to reflect on the miraculous experience surrounding my pregnancy and his birth. I had plenty of...
William ~ Born at Sunshine Coast Midwifery
I get emotional recalling the birth of my son. I’m one of the (seemingly) few women who can honestly say that the birthing experience was the most empowering, life-affirming and wonderful time of my life. My sister introduced me to HypnoBirthing and encouraged me to...
Alice ~ The Power of Positive Thinking
My husband Chris and I were due our second baby on January 11th 2014. We already had a little boy back in March 2010 and unfortunately had a terrible birth experience with induction, epidural, episiotomy and forceps. We were really put off having another baby for a...
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Look for the Gold Seal of Quality…
HypnoBirthing International (The Mongan Method) is the Gold Standard of HypnoBirthing Globally. We are the original and official HypnoBirthing Program here in Australia & the program chosen by the Royals! The Gold Seal signifies both credibility and professionalism of our Educators Internationally with accreditation from the HypnoBirthing Institute. This emblem is only given to those educators who have pushed themselves successfully to complete the extensive HypnoBirthing Certification and training. We have over 30 years of proven results and many, many successful, positive birth stories.