Preparing for a Cesarean Birth with HypnoBirthing
For over 30 years, HypnoBirthing – The Mongan Method has been helping families in the United States and across the world prepare for a positive birthing experience. HypnoBirthing International has a commitment to normal, natural, and instinctive birth, but this program is beneficial for any type of birth. The practices parents participate in and the education parents receive can help them maintain a sense of calm and confidence in the decision-making process if their birth takes an unexpected turn away from normal, indicating the need for a surgical birth.

HypnoBirthing benefits women and babies by preparing them for if a cesarean birth is required:
- Enhance prenatal bonding
- Release fear surrounding birth
- Preparation for your birth partners role in supporting you and your baby
- Pre and post-surgery preparation
- Empower yourself for a calm and comfortable birth
- Prepare your birth preferences for cesarean
- Prepare your mind and your body
- Helping to reduce bleeding during and post-birth
- Faster postoperative recovery
- Enhance established breastfeeding
Deep relaxation and prenatal bonding are two of the focus points in HypnoBirthing. These practices have a powerful impact on the way you birth, the way to think about birth, and even those first moments when you meet your baby.
HypnoBirthing Birth prep program is taking the world by calm!
Women in the United States and across the globe have been using the HypnoBirthing techniques throughout their pregnancies to achieve a positive, calm, and memorable birth experience. HypnoBirthing® is a program that gives you confidence in every decision you make for you, your birth, and your baby.

Prenatal Bonding
One of the aspects that differentiate HypnoBirthing® from other childbirth education classes is the component of bonding. The program encourages bonding not just between the mother and baby, but between the mother, baby, and partner. We discuss the importance of bonding and the impact it has been shown to have on the baby even while developing in the womb. Science has shown us that babies are learning, thinking, and feeling even before birth. We know that babies in the womb of a mother who is at ease and connected will the pregnancy will develop differently than the baby of a mother who is stressed, anxious, and disconnected. The connection between mother and baby is impactful for ALL women.

Breathing Techniques
The way we breathe affects how our mind and body function, even during a C-section. Deep, calm breathing relaxed the nerves and reduces stress hormones, which improves how the body responds to anesthesia. This means less anesthetic may be required and there is a reduced risk of negative side effects. Effective, deep breathing techniques taught as a part of HypnoBirthing can be beneficial for cesarean births and everyone throughout their day-to-day lives.

Rainbow Relaxation
Provided to all HypnoBirthing students, the Rainbow Relaxation is a guided relaxation recording that parents are encouraged to listen to daily, or as often as they can, leading up to their birthing day. While the recording is primarily created to promote relaxation for the birthing body’s natural expulsive reflex, there are countless other benefits to this exercise. Donald Curtis once said, “Relaxation means releasing all concern and tension and letting the natural order of life flow through one’s being”. For cesarean births, a relaxed mom may experience a quicker and easier surgery and healing process. The Rainbow Relaxation promotes a deep sense of relaxation that is crucial for any type of birth and during the postpartum period.

Birth Preferences
A common misconception is that there are no options or choices for the parents to make when it comes to having a cesarean birth. Even if your baby will be born surgically, there are still many options that you have control over as the birthing person or partner, and parent. The HypnoBirthing course educates parents on the options they should discuss with their birth team (OB/GYN, Interns, Midwives, Anesthesiologists, and post-care nurses) in the event of cesarean birth. This includes: how to plan a gentle cesarean, a family-centered cesarean, newborn procedures, and postpartum care.
HypnoBirthing & Caesarean Stories
How Doulas Can Support Cesarean Births
An average of 30% of all hospital births in the United States are cesarean births. In 2019, that equated to more than 1.1 million cesarean births. Research shows that people who have continuous support from a doula throughout birth are approximately 39% less likely to...
Family-Centered Cesarean
The introduction of cesarean sections has without a doubt been a life-saving intervention. In rare cases such as with cord prolapse or eclampsia, there used to be little that could be done to save the baby and the mother. Today, we can save both. Even though it is...
Vaginal Seeding for Cesarean Births
This intriguing new method of transferring the healthy bacteria from a mother’s birth path to their baby when born via cesarean section is growing a trend. Will it be a trend that evolves into a common practice or will it fade away? Based on growing evidence that this...
I Did It!
I had two c-sections with my first two babies and then decided with baby number 3, I wanted to have a vaginal birth after two csections (vbac). The medical world says DON’T DO IT!!! Every doctor I talked to about having a VBAC said that the risks of a uterine rupture...

TRUST the Gold Seal of Quality…
The gold HypnoBirthing emblem is a sign of both credibility and professionalism for Educators internationally. This emblem is only given to those Educators who have pushed themselves to successfully complete the extensive HypnoBirthing certification classes and training.