Evidence-Based Program
The HypnoBirthing – The Mongan Method is an evidence-based program recommended by birth professionals and institutions across the globe, including hospitals, obstetricians, midwives, and more! As an educator, you can be confident in the program curriculum and that is the only research-based birth hypnosis program in the world. As a result of the amazing outcomes among HypnoBirthing families, such as the decreased need for chemical inductions, analgesia, medical interventions, and surgical births, some hospitals in the United States have begun offering this course to their patients. Additionally, many doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals have chosen this program to prepare for the birth of their own children.
The course consists of 3 components:
- Introduction to Hypnosis for Birthing – 1.5 days face to face training (part of the 4 day training)
- Birthing Basics (Physiology of Birth) – Completed as a Home Study
- Educator Certification Workshop – 2.5 days face to face training (part of the 4 day training)

Segment One: Introductory Prerequisites
Introduction to Hypnosis for Birthing
- Applications of Hypnosis
- Attitudes About Hypnosis
- Basics of Brainwave Activity
- Laws of the Mind
- Rationale for Hypnosis in Birthing
- Understanding Clients’ Learning Styles
- Direct and Permissive Hypnosis Approaches
- Dangers of Unqualified Therapy
- Steps to Achieve Hypnosis
- Mind/Body Associations and Applications
- Judging Trance Depth
- Guidelines for Achieving Change
- Eye Fixation/Closure
- Elman · Ericksonian · Shanti leads
- Eyelift Conversion Lead
- Deepening Techniques
- Posthypnotic Suggestions
- Alerting Styles

Birthing Basics (Physiology of Birth)
For persons with no birthing certifications
- The Beautiful Female Birthing Body
- Anatomy of The Female Reproductive System
- Conception and Early Fetal Development
- Characteristics of the Uterus
- The Baby’s Support System
- Three Trimesters of Pregnancy
- Physical Changes during Pregnancy
- Fetal Positioning during Pregnancy
- Turning Breech Presented Babies
- Labour Signals: Normal, Unanticipated
- Characteristics of Managed Labour
- Characteristics of HypnoBirthing Labour
- Onset of Labour
- Fetal positioning during Birth
- Labour Stages as Defined in Typical Birthing
- Labour as Defined in HypnoBirthing
- Mother-Directed Birthing

Segment Two: Educator Certification
- Philosophy and Beginnings of HypnoBirthing
- How the Uterus Works in Birthing
- What’s Wrong with Labour
- How Fear Affects Labour
- The Origin of Fear and Pain in Labour
- Prenatal Bonding and Fetology
- Selecting Care Providers
- Preparing the Mind for Birth
- Hypnosis Deepening and Visualization
- Releasing Fear
- Preparing the Body for Birthing
- Building a Partnership with Care Providers
- Turning Breech-Presented Babies
- Looking at the “Estimated Due Date”
- Avoiding Artificial Induction
- Preparing Birth Preference Sheets
- How the Body Prepares for Birth
- The Onset of Labour
- Perinatal Bonding
- Breathing Through Labour
- Breathing with Birth
- Bonding with Baby
After completing the dynamic training, a 4-day, 2-part Childbirth Educator Program consisting of the Introduction to Hypnosis for Childbirth and the Certification Workshop for HypnoBirthing, as well as the Birthing Basics Home Study, you will be required to complete reviews on each section of the training, as well as submitting a case study after working with 1 couple taking them through the 5 session program.
If you have previous certification in the Physiology of Birth (midwives and doulas), you will be granted RPL’s for that component of the training.
Your certification as a Gold Seal educator will be mailed to you from the HypnoBirthing® Institute once your reviews have been assessed. You will be required to recertify annually.
You will receive the Gold Seal Approval and logos to be used on all your marketing material, so families can recognize you as a Gold Seal Educator.
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TRUST the Gold Seal of Quality…
The gold HypnoBirthing emblem is a sign of both credibility and professionalism for Educators internationally. This emblem is only given to those Educators who have pushed themselves to successfully complete the extensive HypnoBirthing certification classes and training.