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Certified HypnoBirthing Educator

Sarojini (Sara) Alva Changkakoti

Directory Categories: Counsellor .Certified HypnoBirthing Educator HypnoFertility Hypnotherapist Reiki

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Hello and welcome! I’m Sara Alva, known for holistic healing in Virginia, North America. Trained by Marie Mongan herself over 26 years ago, I’m proud to be one of the pioneering HypnoBirthing® educators globally. My passion for empowering families has earned me a trusted reputation in the field.

I offer a diverse range of services, from HypnoBirthing® Mongan Method childbirth classes to educator certification training, fertility support sessions, and Reiki workshops, all tailored to cater to the unique needs of individuals and families, encompassing a holistic approach to childbirth and wellness.

When should I start classes?
You can join at any point after your first trimester! This course is tailored to guide you through pregnancy, labor, childbirth, and equip you with lifelong tools. Ideally, you’d start the series no later than 33 weeks since it spans 5 weeks.

Does my partner need to attend? What if I don’t have a partner?
We welcome families of all kinds to join the classes! While partners are strongly encouraged to attend, their presence can greatly boost their confidence in assisting during labor and birth. However, it’s not mandatory. Even if a partner can only make it to a few classes, it’s better than nothing, and the initial class is particularly crucial.

Don’t have a partner? No worries – you’re welcome to bring any other support person, whether it’s a family member, friend, doula, or anyone else you trust.

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Haymarket, Virginia, US

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2 Reviews on “Sarojini (Sara) Alva Changkakoti”

Overall rating
  • Sarojini Alva Listing Owner

    Human brain is so powerful and unexplored. Thanks to this wonderful program that we are able to at least acknowledge it. Sarojini is so profound with her knowledge and best educator. I was able to imagine the connect and love that Mickey has created among her educators through Sarojini. It feels that throughout the session we have Mickey with us.
    Eternal gratitude to Mickey for creating such a beautiful family of people of same belief and serving nature.


  • Sarojini Alva Listing Owner

    What impressed me the most was Sarojini’s authenticity. I have never before seen anyone being so convinced and so proud of something, that one teaches to students. The material itself and the philosophy is being presented so well structured and understandable, that it was easy for me follow and apply the techniques immediately. I was impressed how the course gives a very detailed and very precise presentation of both basics in hypnosis and hypnobirthing, in such a short period of 4 days. I was able to ask questions and participate actively as an individual, and still be a well-integrated part of a harmonious group of students. I loved how Sarojini brought in her own divine light and love to us and took us on a healing journey. I experienced healing myself, which makes it even better to be able to convey this to my future ‘soon-to-be parents. ‘This course not only taught me how to be a great hypnobirthing practitioner, it also took me on a healing journey, filled with love and light – thank you Sara!

    -Ellen Keola Fritz

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