Workshop for Health Professionals

Calling all doctors, doulas, midwives, nurses, women’s health physiotherapists, and other health providers. We encourage you to attend a workshop so that you can gain all of the information needed to professionally support HypnoBirthing parents in any birth setting.

Supporting HypnoBirthing Parents in Pregnancy, Birth & Beyond

Gain A Fresh Perspective & New Tools for Supporting Birth

A childbirth education program recognized internationally, HypnoBirthing is a leading program in preparing parents for birth. Education is a key component in creating positive outcomes for parents and babies during this life-altering event. Our program is currently offered in 46 countries across the globe, taught by fully trained and certified Gold Seat Educators.

The United States has some of the worst fetal and maternal outcomes of any developed country, and many countries across the world are seeing increased intervention rates. Now more than ever, expecting parents are seeking care providers who trust in and support a woman’s ability to birth their baby as nature intended. Building a strong network and community that works together, will allow families to focus on positive birth outcomes, and impact our ‘toward normal birth’ focus. This program is a one-day workshop for health professionals, provides traditionally trained doulas, midwives, nurses and health professionals with the specific techniques and philosophical information needed to professionally support HypnoBirthing couples in any birth setting.

Through participation in the Workshop for Health Professionals you will:

  • Understand the unique benefits HypnoBirthing offers, learn about the philosophy & the Gold Seal that is establishing best practice in the U.S. and across the globe, as well as recognize how it differs from other methods.
  • Learn the physiology of the uterus during labor, exploring the muscle interaction, blood flow & biochemical function. Examine the role of the autonomic nervous system upon fear.
  • Understand the differences between HypnoBirthing & medical terminology, & learn to communicate with a HypnoBirthing family, understanding the partners role & the common birthing preferences they choose.
  • Explore the various states of hypnosis, and the mind body connection in birthing.
  • Consider the impact of integrating HypnoBirthing with the current care in hospitals & learn about HypnoBirthing techniques that can be implemented
    to support a positive birth outcome.
  • Discuss & explore options to support families experiencing special circumstances in birth & develop appropriate skills to support natural birth & a HypnoBirthing couple.

Earn 7.5 CEU

*Early Bird: registration form received & payment made 3 weeks prior.

If you are interested in becoming a Certified HypnoBirthing Educator, please see available dates here.

* If you have a group of 10 or more participants, we can organize a specific training for your group. Please contact us to learn more.

Download the Full Course Document


Very Inspirational! I very much enjoyed the day. It has truly encouraged me to encourage couples taking HypnoBirthing.
Susan Morgan

Midwife NSW

One of the best workshops I have attended! This workshop was highly relevant, and expertly taught. I now have the skills and terminology to begin to help HypnoBirthing couples in a more relevant and supportive way.
Lisa Bowra

Midwife NSW

Fantastic day! I gained many new skills to help supporting women during their journey.
Jacinta Foggo

Midwife QLD

This course has empowered me to relate to birthing women on a totally different level. I will be able to be actively involved and support the women that have chosen HypnoBirthing. This course has definitely opened my eyes to approach birthing from a different angle.
Jackie McCout

Midwife NSW

I really enjoyed the day!. It was a great day, very informative and well presented. I learn’t lots of really useful tools to take back to my work place.
Carol Peters

Midwife WA

This workshops information and activities were fabulous. It has absolutely gone way beyond my expectations! Wonderful!
Alison Stilwell

Midwife NSW


Please see here the upcoming dates. If no dates are present, please fill out the enquiry form to register your interest for the next event.

Register Interest : Workshop for Health Professionals

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This 1 Day Workshop is running in each state of Australia regularly. Below are the list of presenters that are facilitating the workshops.

Anthea Thomas

Anthea Thomas


Anthea is a passionate health professional, an experienced Antenatal Educator, Speaker and Clinical Hypnotherapist supporting families in conception, pregnancy, birthing and parenting. Anthea is the Vice President of the HypnoBirthing® Institute and Faculty Trainer in Australia. She is the Director of HypnoBirthing International in Australia, a Global Presence Ambassador for Parenting 2.0 and Vice President of CAPEA QLD (Childbirth and Parenting Educators of Australia).

Anthea is working with therapy based on the philosophy that our unconscious minds can heal our bodies, and control the delicate process of conception and birthing. She is focused on helping people find their unlimited potential in all areas of life, and on helping women to rediscover their natural birthing instincts and works   to provide couples with information about their bodies, the birth process, how their mind affects conception and birth helping to empower them to take control of their own journey.

Anthea is married and has two children. She lives on the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia.


Register Now

TRUST the Gold Seal of Quality…

The gold HypnoBirthing emblem is a sign of both credibility and professionalism for Educators internationally. This emblem is only given to those Educators who have pushed themselves to successfully complete the extensive HypnoBirthing certification classes and training.