Educator Membership
$100.00 / year
Yearly Membership for HypnoBirthing Educators.
**Please be aware that this is a subscription-based product – meaning your membership will auto-bill $100USD each year unless canceled. If you would like auto-billing to be disabled, please email certificates@hypnobirthing.com after you complete your payment and we will change your billing method to manual payments (you will be sent an email notifying you to manually pay when you are up for renewal)**
By payment of my annual affiliation fee: (this replaces the need to snail mail all information)
1. I certify that I have completed all of the yearly Renewal Requirements listed below.
2. I certify that I am complying with all standards set forth in the Code of Ethics and the HypnoBirthing Educator’s Handbook. I understand that it is my responsibility to be fully aware of the content of the Handbook and the Code of Ethics and realize that if I should engage in any activities that are prohibited by word or intent in the paragraphs outlined in the Handbook or Code, I do so with the understanding that I am in violation of Federal Copyright and Trademark law and the principles of HypnoBirthing® International, thus rendering me subject to revocation of my certification as a HypnoBirthing® Educator, as well as subject to further legal remedies as may be allowed under law.
3. My personal and business information provided is current, accurate and complete. For changes to information, email: assistant@hypnobirthing.com. Please enter “Change of Information” into the subject line.
4. How many birthing people have you taught this year? Email the number to: assistant@hypnobirthing.com. Enter your name and the number taught in the subject line.
Criteria for Yearly Renewal
With your affiliation renewal, the following criteria are in effect*:
Reread the current textbook within a month of renewal.
Read at least two books about birthing, pregnancy, hypnosis, parenting, maternal health or any other topic close to HypnoBirthing philosophy.
A total of 15 Professional Development/Education Units are to be earned every two years
Reread the Educator’s Handbook and Code of Ethics and Standards within one month of renewal. These documents are located in the Educator’s Dropbox : https://www.dropbox.com/sh/
*Random compliance audits will occur, please keep records of each year’s renewal criteria for at least 5 years
If you are not planning on teaching during this membership year, you may pay US $30 to hold your certification for the year and then you can renew your certification the following year by following the usual criteria. Click here to proceed with an On-Hold/Inactive Membership.
Thank you for renewing your HypnoBirthing membership; we look forward to working with you again this year.