Members Area


by | Jul 27, 2022

Thanks for the reminder that we need to let you all know what we are working on. Here are some of the latest updates:

We are excited to have launched our new website. We are so happy to report an increase in traffic and referrals to our educators. Don’t forget that you may post blogs, and your students can post reviews.

For those who would like to have their classes listed, the upgrade is proving to be a good investment. One student referred from the site can more than cover the cost of the upgrade for the year.

Online Orders

The online ordering system has been smooth. Thank you, George, for your continued excellence in always getting it done quickly and efficiently! Thank you, Mary Ann, for keeping the N.H. office running smoothly! We couldn’t do it without the two of you!

We no longer are using the download cards. The Mp3s are sent with a link and code. This has resulted in fewer problems for students downloading the recordings. They will also now have a choice of voices including Mickey’s original, UK accent, AU accent, or a Black American voice.

A reminder about the digital spiral option- it is not printable. It can be viewed only.

The US spiral has been updated for inclusive language, and it has a new cover. We are hoping that this will make everyone feel welcome.

As discussed previously, the rebozo and acupuncture pages have been removed. They are available in the dropbox as an optional handout that could be explored. The updated spiral will be printed in the next order.

“Fear and Now “ HypnoBirthing Documentary is now undergoing its final edits. The film makers say that it will be finished soon. They are hoping it will be in time for the fall film festivals. I can’t wait to see it! It is sure to bring some new awareness to HypnoBirthing.

Welcome Serene Gato. As many of you know, Serene played a huge role in the creation of our new website. We loved working with her so much that we’ve hired her to come aboard to help us continue to improve our organization.

Big News! A New Textbook is in the works. We are working on an updated version that the HypnoBirthing Institute will own. This will allow us to have more control over copyrights, use, and updated content. Is there something you think is important to include in the new book? Send me your ideas at Title your email-“Book Ideas”

We now have a BIPOC scholarship available for HBCE training. We have trained dozens of new HBCEs! Many are now working on certification and are bringing HypnoBirthing to previously underserved communities. Check out the new version of the rainbow relaxation in a Black American voice, voiced by our own Ciarra Hodges. So much gratitude to Ciarra and Ebony Banks who made this happen!

We’d love to expand our faculty. If you are a fabulous educator, have been certified for 5 years and have been actively teaching and upholding our code of ethics, please take a look at the following link for the faculty appointment blueprint.   We are planning to hold auditions in 2023. Stay tuned for more information.


HypnoBirthing International does not endorse products or give medical advice. Please do not use your classes/students as a platform for MLM. Here is a current statement from our website:

The information provided by HypnoBirthing, LLC / the HypnoBirthing Institute (“HypnoBirthing”) and any materials in connection therewith are for educational and informational purposes only. No material on this site or as provided by HypnoBirthing is implied or intended to be medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a physician/other qualified health care provider regarding medical conditions or treatment. Never disregard professional medical device or delay seeking the same because of something you have read on this website.

This website may include or provide access to content provided by third parties. Educators certified or claiming to be certified by HypnoBirthing may be sponsored by or employed, affiliated, or collaborate with one or more third parties and/or endorse, advertise, or recommend third party products or services. All recommendations, statements, and opinions expressed by educators/third parties are solely the responsibility of the person or entity providing such statements/opinions. Such recommendations or opinions do not necessarily reflect the recommendations or opinions of HypnoBirthing.

HypnoBirthing is not affiliated with any third parties and does not recommend, endorse, or make any representation about the efficacy, appropriateness, or suitability of any tests, assessments, products, procedures, treatments, services, opinions, health care providers or other information that may be made available through its educators or any third parties in connection therewith. HYPNOBIRTHING IS NOT RESPONSIBLE NOR LIABLE FOR ANY ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER INFORMATION, SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE, EDUCATORS, AND/OR THIRD PARTIES.

Many of us would love to have our annual HypnoBirthing Conclave once again. Are you ready and willing to travel for an in-person event?? Let us know your thoughts. If you’d like to be a part of the Conclave organizing committee or have great ideas about location, speakers, etc. Please let us know!

I’d like to have a monthly open zoom call. We’d love to have a chance to connect more often, hear your ideas, and answer your questions.  Looking forward to seeing you on Monday, Aug 1, at 7:00-7:30pm EST on zoom. Here is the link:


Vivian, Maura & Anthea