Rochelle Bates is a clinical hypnotherapist certified as a Mongan Method of HypnoBirthing educator and Doula, and a Los Angeles affiliate and certified doula through Carriage House Birth.
She uses hypnosis to support every stage of pregnancy from fertility to post natal care and enjoys helping new parents improve their changing sense of selves as they welcome their child.
Using evidence-based techniques Rochelle helps children, teens and adults with insomnia and helps restore their sleep system without the use of medication. Rochelle has specialized training in pain management, fertility issues, fear and phobia release, and provides assistance with issues unique to performing artists: performance anxiety and writer’s block.
Rochelle is certified in hypnosis for children to improve stuttering, self esteem, confidence and concentration through deep relaxation.
As a mindfulness meditation instructor, she teaches clients self hypnosis and other tools to help manage stress and speed recovery from accidents and both chronic and acute illness. She is currently attending a 7 month certification program at the Trauma Research Foundation led by Dr Bessel van der Kolk.
Certified in psychedelic psychopharmacology and the clinical use of ketamine, Rochelle is co-founder of Mindfield Wellness, a concierge ketamine clinic in Los Angeles, providing the gold standard in infusion treatments and working as a patient advocate, educator and psychedelic integrationist.
4 Reviews on “Rochelle Bates, CHt, CHBE, CHBD, CBD”
I wish everyone had a chance to use HypnoBirthing and have a doula like Rochelle she was with us in England virtually. My partner and I had a beautiful c section because we prepared and talked so much about what we wanted. Rochelle helped my recovery and healing and helped us both with better sleep right away so we could sleep when my daughter was sleeping.
Rochelle was an absolute game changer when it came to our birth prep, planning and when it came to delivering. She was so knowledgeable, genuine and patient in our sessions. We loved how she taught us how Hypnobirthing was such a beautiful partnership between us and gave us all the tools for my husband to feel involved all that much more during birth.
When it came to actual labor and delivery (also only about nine hours from water breaking to meeting our precious babe), the breath work, readings, positions and touches all helped us truly have the birthing process we truly wanted… with our first born, it was scary and traumatic ending in an emergency c-section.
This time, we felt more prepared, did a lot of fear release and starting with the surges could manage just so much better.
I can’t recommend Rochelle enough- the fact that we could do our sessions virtually made it super convenient but Rochelle’s empathy and knowledge shown through every time and made us feel like she was right in the room with us.
If you have any debate or hesitation about hypnobirth and using Rochelle- here’s your sign to go for it! There’s skills my husband and I know we will use beyond birth for years to come!
Rochelle is kind, thoughtful, caring and considerate. She was very generous with her time and followed up with us throughout our birthing and postpartum journey. I highly recommend her!
I had the birthing experience I’d hoped for and felt empowered by the class information.