Event information
Fall HypnoBirthing series through Om Births
Cost: $425 per couple- includes class materials
Class meets virtually: Thurs 10/3, 10/8, 10/17, 10/24 and WED 10/30
Note final class meets Wed not Thurs evenings!
After purchasing this product be sure you have registered for the calendar event to receive the zoom link for your virtual class. Also be sure to fill out the class registration form under the “lessons” section
You will also receive an e-mail with a request for your mailing address to get you your materials.
The Mongan Method is a unique method of relaxed, natural childbirth education enhanced by hypnosis techniques, providing the missing link that allows women to use their natural instincts to bring about a safer, easier, more comfortable birthing in a way that most mirrors nature. Emphasis is placed on both pregnancy and childbirth. As a birthing method, HypnoBirthing is as new as tomorrow and as old as ancient times.